Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda FazaniDistributed by

Adhi Tirtawisata

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Adhi Tirtawisata is a humble man
Founder and Chairman of PT Panorama Sentrawisata Tbk

Profile Mr. Adhi Tirtawisata in Ernst & Young Website as Finalist of Entrepreneur of The Year 2008

Since his childhood, Adhi Tirtawisata has demonstrated early signs of entrepreneurship and leadership. The Panorama Leisure Group that he developed from scratch in 1972, was born out of his passion for travelling. Guided by his business philosophy that the “tourist is client, the client is king and the king can do no wrong”, he grew and developed the business which started from selling airline tickets, into four main business segments: outbound & inbound tour and ticketing, transportation services, conventions/exhibitions and hotel & property business.

From merely selling tickets, the Group branched out into hotel & lodging and property to support the tour and travel business. Soon, his transportation business will expand into taxi service, limousine service and car rental. It also offers integrated travel franchising arrangements with third parties. Employing more than 1,000 employees, the Group has brought the most number of tourists to Indonesia, and has significantly contributed to the growth and development of tourism in the country.

Adhi Tirtawisata is considered an icon of tourism in Indonesia, and acknowledged as the pioneer in inbound tourism in Indonesia. Through his guidance to the community in the tourist destination places, the local people gain a better understanding of delivering high quality services and safety. His significant contributions to and expertise in the tourism industry were proven by his appointment as a member of the Board of Experts of the Indonesian Tourism Board in 2005 and receiving numerous awards including the Karya Bhakti Adikarya Wisata award from the Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2001 and Adhikaryottama Pariwisata award for PT Panorama Tours in the same year.

(Oleh : PNO NEWS! ISSUE 111 1108
Ernst & Young Website)


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